Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Act 3- To be continued

Like the other acts, Act 3 is another crazy act, full of drama. Being that is the last act, it closes/sums everything together at the end. In this act we learn that Mrs. Linde only came to town to see Krogstad, and she said that she just wanted a family to look over. Then Mrs. Linde tells Nora that she needs to tell Krogstad everything, and Nora isn't shocked. After that Torvald explains why he ingores Nora at parties, and tells her that he fantasizes about meeting her, and suducing her. Also Torvald is surprised to see that someone has attempted to pick the lock, but Nora just tells him that it must have been one of the children. They recieved the letter from Dr. Rank with a black cross on it, which means he is dead so now they only have eachother. In my opinion I think this is all Nora's fault for being so immature and not telling the truth from the start.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Act 2, is a very full act as well. In this act, we are introduced to a new character. His name is Dr. Rank. Nora, talks to Krogstad about the money that she owes him, and

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ant- Act 1

Act one, is a pretty long act, with lots of things going on. In the beginning of the act, we are introduced to a character named Nora. In my opinion, Nora is not really all that mature, and mainly relies on others to help her get by. Her husband, Helmer (Torvald) has a job at the bank, so Nora relies on him more than anyone. The way Helmer treats her is like a little child. Basically, he treats her like a baby. Another example would be that he refers to her as "his little skylark."
I guess you could say that Nora doesn't really have the easiest life, but she has no one to blame but herself. In trying to fix all of her problems, (as John said) I feel like she's digging herself into more and more trouble in the first place. Also, being that she is trying do this all without her husband finding out, that doesn't help as well. So if you think about it, Nora really has no-one to blame but herself.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen was born into a rich merchant type family. Although his family had been very rich before and when he was born, shortly after, things changed. A big problem in Henrik's childhood was that his father suffered from servere deppression. His mom became very religous as well. In his plays, he often makes the theme have something to do with financial problems, due to his problem as a child. His first play was the Tragedy Of Caroline.

Henrik Ibsen wrote realistic drama, and he was a poet as well. He was born in March-1828, and he died in March of 1906. Also, he was from Norway. Although he was a great writer and wrote many great plays, a lot of people saw them as being "scandalous." It may not seem like too much of a big deal that he wrote realistic drama, but in his time he was the first to do it. Many people often thought his plays were immorral, and outragous.